ember install ember-electron
Extend any Ember.js application with the access and options of a full sized desktop application in minutes. Ember-Electron is powered by electron-forge and provides all the tooling neccessary to build, test and ship your application.
After installing the addon, you will find a new folder ember-electron
inside your Ember project root. All code required to run an Electron
project will be there.
ember electron
Run your project in development mode. This works pretty much like ember serve except it runs in Electron. We install the Ember Inspector and Devtron for you, so just use the Developer Tools as you would in your browser. Please note that we do not restart Electron yet when you change code there.
ember electron:test
Test your app in Electron. Supports live reloading using the --server
ember electron:package
Creates binaries or your app using electron-forge and electron-packager in the background. Options can be specified in ember-electron/electron-forge-config.js
ember electron:make
Creates installers and distribution bundles. For Windows, that means a Squirrel Installer and a Windows Store Package; for macOS, zip/dmg files and a
Mac App Store Package, while Linux users enjoy the creation of deb, rpm, and flatpak files. Again, options can be specified in ember-electron/electron-forge-config.js
ember electron:assemble
Assemble Electron application project (useful for debugging builds). For more information, check out the guide on the build pipeline.